Circle Y

Circle Y started saddle manufacturing in 1960 in the small Texas town of Yoakum. Still located there, Circle Y continues to produce high quality saddles and tack with the heritage and tradition the company was founded on.
With a vision to build the finest product possible, founder Leland Tucker created Circle Y from the ground up. The company continued to be family operated until 2000. In 2003 under new ownership Circle Y has rekindled its founder’s commitment to be the world’s leader in product design, innovation and quality.
Today, Circle Y Saddles, Inc. is America’s leading saddle brand. Establishing this with stylish and innovative products, Circle Y products reflect the current trends in design, and that are ahead of the industry in technology.
The patented Flex2® tree design was the result of Circle Y’s desire to obtain the best saddle fit for a broad selection of horses. It has been incorporated into many of the different types of saddles made by the company.